REGISTERED OFFICE: via Serenissima 9 – 25135 Brescia (Italy)
SHARE CAPITAL: € 8.840.000 fully paid up (made up of 17 million ordinary shares of par value € 0.52 each)
REGISTRY OF ENTERPRISES: no. 00541390175 Brescia (Italy)
TAX/VAT CODE: no. 00541390175
Chairman and Managing Director: Giovanni Rosani
Vice Chairman: Aldo Bottini Bongrani
Director: Anna Maria Onofri
Director: Sara Rosani
Director: Felice Albertazzi
Director: Franco Celli
Indipendent Director: Elisabetta Ceretti
Indipendent Director: Paola Carrara
Chairman: Stefano Colpani
Permanent auditor: Riccardo Astori
Permanent auditor: Rosanna Angela Pilenga
Substitute auditor: Maria Grazia Lizzini
Substitute auditor: Alessandra Biggi
EY S.p.A.
Estratto Patto Parasociale avente ad oggetto azioni della Società Lysne S.p.A. (ITALIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)
The Code of Ethics of the Cembre Group defines the values and principles that guide the business conduct of our people, our stakeholders and our business partners.

Since 2021 CEMBRE has adopted a Group Anti-Corruption Policy which aims to provide guidelines against corruption. Furthermore, since 2023 Cembre S.p.A.’s Management System for the Prevention of Corruption has been certified pursuant to the ISO 37001 standard.
The purpose of the document is to outline and regulate the organisational issues and operational processes relating to the reporting of any alleged wrongdoing, prejudicial conduct, non-compliance or breach of applicable national or European Union laws and regulations, breach of good commercial practice, or material unlawful conduct pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.
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