There are four main areas of action: mobility, energy, packaging, and "conflict minerals" policy.

The safeguarding of the environment and sustainable development inevitably also requires a change in corporate mentality, followed by the adoption of solutions and more sustainable lifestyles.The desire of CEMBRE’s partners to play an active part and contribute to this change has allowed CEMBRE to incentivise these choices and thus reduce carbon dioxide emissions produced by travelling to and from work every year.
Following a detailed analysis of its own partners’ home-work travel, since 2015 CEMBRE has undertaken a number of specific actions to incentivise the use of alternative means to private transport.
Adequate and safe facilities for storing bicycles inside company carparks and a km-based incentive for those who travel to CEMBRE by bicycle
- Subsidised local public transport season tickets for employees
- Financial incentive for those who purchase completely electric cars or bikes
- Bike to work! Initiative organised on the occasion of World Bicycle Day

In 2022, CEMBRE extended its photovoltaic plan at its Italian branch, increasing its capacity from around 200 KW to around 1,550 KW of power.
The new investment will make it possible to produce a total of around 2 GWh of entirely self-consumed electrical energy, equivalent to around 20% of the company’s energy needs, and prevent the emission of more than 500tCO2 into the atmosphere.
Moreover, in order to reduce energy usage and contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions generated from electricity consumption for lighting, in 2021 it was decided to replace the traditional lighting systems with LED technology solutions in all of our Brescia warehouses by the end of 2026.
The project envisages the replacement of around 900 lighting fixtures; this will generate a saving in lighting-related energy consumption of at least 40% compared to the current value. Furthermore, according to the estimations made, once at capacity it will prevent more than 100 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent from being emitted into the atmosphere.
Reducing the environmental impact generated by product packaging is one of the aspects that CEMBRE is working on.
Several initiatives have already been launched, one of which is the use of 100% recyclable packaging material.
Almost all of the raw material for making the boxes comes from wood-paper supply chains certified according to the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council.
Through the “Conflict Minerals” policy, CEMBRE discourages the use of minerals whose trade could finance or facilitate armed groups.
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