Italy, October 15, 2023 - CEMBRE believes that a proper diet is essential for the physical and mental well-being of its employees and for the prevention of many diseases. To support its collaborators in choosing a healthy lifestyle, Cembre has joined the “Workplace Health Promotion” (WHP) program promoted by WHO and coordinated by ATS Brescia and Regione Lombardia. In this perspective, infographics have been posted in the canteen and on the vending machines to help choose food more consciously according to the needs of each one.

Italy, October 11, 2023 - CEMBRE is present in the ranking of the TOP 100 Performance of the Sustainability Award 2023. This award rewards the Italian companies that have distinguished themselves for their commitment to environmental, social and economic sustainability. CEMBRE has demonstrated to have a strategic vision oriented to the creation of shared value, respecting people, the environment and the territory in which it operates.

Italy, July 6, 2023 - A healthy and sustainable lifestyle, in private and work contexts, represents the first step to lead a life in shape. CEMBRE has chosen to join the “Workplace Health Promotion” (WHP) program of ATS Brescia and Regione Lombardia, with the aim of raising awareness among its collaborators on the importance of adopting good practices in health, nutrition and physical activity and the benefits that result from them. In this way CEMBRE undertakes to offer its collaborators various initiatives aimed at promoting the adoption of healthy lifestyles.

Italy, June 1, 2023 - The whole CEMBRE Group takes part in the initiative "BIKE TO WORK" to celebrate the World Bicycle Day: using the bicycle as mean of transportation to promote the sustainable development towards a better future!

Italy, April 18, 2024 - ECOVADIS is one of the most important international sustainability rating platforms and CEMBRE got the 2024 ECOVADIS silver medal.
CEMBRE SPA is in the top 4% of companies assessed by EcoVadis in the “Manufacture of other electrical equipment industry” sector.
This award goes to the 15% of companies assessed by ECOVADIS that get the better performance in the last 12 months.
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