Our product specialists are experienced consultants who are able to support the customer throughout the important pre and post-sales phases.
Our product specialists are extremely knowledgeable about product applications and are able to recommend the ideal product for the most important electrical applications.
In the dedicated area of the CEMBRE website, there is a space where tools and printers can be registered quickly and easily.
There are many advantages to registering, including the ability to download the GENIUSPRO industrial labeling software and tools, the latest firmware versions, activate licenses, and much more.

CEMBRE has developed an internal laboratory for the maintenance and calibration of your tools.
CEMBRE maintenance services concern:
- Visual examination and diagnosis
- Checking and maintenance of components
- Checking of functions
- Tool calibration
For each test, CEMBRE issues the relevant reports.

In the event of breakages or malfunctions, CEMBRE provides a professional repair service that returns your tool to you in top condition.
If necessary, CEMBRE will provide replacement tools so your work is not interrupted.
Contact your CEMBRE representative for more information.
The installation of a labeling system is a simple operation, but we understand that making a change to the production process is always very sensitive.
For this reason, CEMBRE can provide a dedicated staff member to assist customers who need support with the installation and configuration of their industrial labeling systems and staff training.
CEMBRE offers customization services for electrical panel plates.
The sales team and product specialists are available to assist you in choosing the best solution.
The GENIUSPRO software can be downloaded and used for a 30-day trial. After that you can decide whether to activate the license or end the trial.
GENIUSPRO is the software for preparing printing projects for Cembre industrial labelling systems.
Manual input, import from Excel, or direct import from the main eCAD electrical development and automation applications such as EPLAN, IGE-XAO, SPAC, ZUKEN, and many more...

In the case of special and custom projects, rapid prototyping is the ideal tool for quickly testing products and verifying their functionality.
CEMBRE provides an in-house 3D printing service, thus reducing product engineering time.
Thanks to 3D printing it is easy to test the prototype and apply any changes to the design during the design stage.
Prototypes and 3D models help you make design choices prior to the mass production of a product.

The automotive sector is made up of a vast range of companies directed at the design and manufacture, development, production and sales of cars, motor vehicles and industrial vehicles. On a global level, it is one of the most important industrial sectors in terms of turnover. Cembre provides companies in the sector with a vast range of products relating to the management of electrical cables.
Following the application of the directive 2000/53/EC - ELV (End of Life Vehicle), all the main vehicle manufacturers developed a shared project called IMDS (International Material Data System). IMDS is a computer system shared on the internet by means of which all direct and indirect suppliers relating to the sector can insert basic information concerning the composition of their products/materials and send them to the respective clients via a whole supply chain until they arrive at the vehicle manufacturers. This allows a more streamlined and safe waste disposal.
Cembre is part of this system and has inserted many codes of its range of products in it. Clarity and speed of information in the automotive sector are unavoidable requirements; by adhering to the IMDS project, Cembre supports its clients operating in the sector, confirming the characteristics for which it has always been valued: customer care and availability.
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