Cembre has adopted the organizational, management, and control model for the prevention of crimes in accordance with the aims set out in Legislative Decree 231/2001 and the subsequent additions.
The CEMBRE Group’s Code of Ethics explains the commitments ethical and responsibilities taken on by CEMBRE shareholders, directors and employees in the conducting of business and company activities – commitments which are also extended to all business partners with which CEMBRE interacts.

Since 2017, the CEMBRE Group has been publishing its Consolidated Non-Financial Statement each year, which is prepared in accordance with Legislative Decree 254/2016 according to the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards published in 2016 by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
The document provides useful information for understanding the Group's activities, performance, results, and the impact generated by its activities, with particular reference to environmental, social, and personnel issues, respect for human rights, and the fight against active and passive corruption.
Whistleblowing is an important channel of communication, through which employees and third parties (suppliers or customers, for example) can confidentially report any offences or irregularities found during their activities, as well as any non-conformities in the Corruption Prevention Management system adopted by Cembre in accordance with ISO 37001:2016.
The increasingly important role that the CEMBRE Group has taken on at the international level has necessitated the adoption of a tool that establishes guidelines to be followed, in order to prevent and suppress active and passive corruption in the carrying out of company activities. The CEMBRE Group Anticorruption Policy is also consistent with the principles of standard ISO 37001:2016.
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